Are you still using regular Pots for your plants?


Agriplast’s Right Pot is a new planting solution for the Nursery of potted plants. Nurseries that supply finished grown-up trees for transplanting. Terrace farming. Forestry. Soilless cultivation . Hotels to keep ornamental trees. Parks. Industries, etc. The pots' design helps achieve a much superior white root network, a better establishment in the field post-transplant leading to faster and healthier plant growth. These pots also allow users to reuse the pot and move the plant irrespective of its size and age.

Agriplast Right Pot

Agriplast Right Pot

  • Recommended for indoor/outdoor use, nurseries, terrace cultivation, forestry, commercial establishments etc.
  • New planting solution
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Agriplast Right Pot Plus

Agriplast Right Pot Plus

  • Recommended for indoor/outdoor use, nurseries, terrace cultivation, forestry, commercial establishments etc.
  • New planting solution
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